About salon

The epilation studio of Elena Gulyaeva is located on Pobedy Avenue and is open for recording from 9 am to 8 pm, so that even the busiest girls have time to take care of their bodies.

Salon hair removal still causes embarrassment and discomfort for many clients, but when you come to Elena Gulyaeva, you forget about it. The master does everything to create a friendly atmosphere at the reception. Be sure to stipulate each of his actions, give a full consultation on the preparation and care of the skin after the procedure.

There are several methods of hair removal in the arsenal of an epilation specialist. She will help you choose the appropriate method based on your experience, the characteristics of the client's skin, color and type of hair.


Laser hair removal
Clients love the modern way to get rid of hair forever for its relative painlessness. The master improves his skills in working with laser technology in order to give clients the best result and use all the novelties of the cosmetology market.


Elena Gulyaeva uses sugar paste to remove hair in the bikini area, armpit, upper lip, legs and arms, white line of the abdomen, back and even the face. The effect lasts up to one month, and for regular clients the interval is already much longer.


Safe and effective hair removal can be done on a budget. Of course, this method is characterized by increased pain, but the master will treat all areas of the body with unwanted vegetation with the same courtesy in order to provide the best result.



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