About salon

Medikom Beauty is a modern hardware cosmetology center that provides a wide range of beauty services. Medikom Beauty visitors have access to high-quality diagnostics, hardware and injection cosmetology and care procedures.
The hardware cosmetology center has the most modern equipment for effective diagnostics, and also offers the services of certified cosmetologists.

Medikom Beauty is a modern hardware cosmetology center that provides a wide range of beauty services.
Medikom Beauty visitors have access to:
- high-quality diagnostics (hardware diagnostics of Multi Skin Test Center MC 750 before prescribing complex treatment);
- hardware and injection cosmetology (RF-lifting, hydropeeling, cryolifting, microcurrents, phonophoresis, EMSCULPT, cavitation for body shaping, injection techniques for face and body)
- care procedures (carboxytherapy, peelings, facial massage, bandage wrap), laser hair removal.

The hardware cosmetology center has the most modern equipment for effective diagnostics, and also offers the services of certified cosmetologists who are attentive to each client and practice an individual approach.

Medikom Beauty uses only disposable consumables, certified preparations and proven medical equipment.


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